Sign Up For Small Changes Group Coaching

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Small Changes – A Health Coaching Support Group – 

Nobody has time to change their life around instantly but we can all make time for the little steps that have lasting results.

Small Changes is a health coaching program with a built-in support group so we can all make small changes towards our bigger health goals together.

Why should you join a Health Coaching Support Group program?

  • Not everyone can commit to a long term individual health coaching program.
  • You are more likely to achieve your goals if you work with someone else to achieve them.
  • You have the benefit of collective wisdom as everyone has something to share from their own stories. Two brains are better than one?  How about a dozen?
  • Social events are good for the soul.

Sign me up! When and where?

When: The meetings are every other Thursday night starting for a three month total commitment (6 sessions). Check my calendar of events for the next session date.

Where: The program is held at  55 Harpswell Rd. Brunswick.

What time:  6:00 – 7:30 pm.

How much: The sessions are $30 each ($60/month) but you will receive so much more than information. There will be giveaways, handouts, and maybe a surprise or two.

There is a limited number of participants so make sure you sign up to reserve your spot! Register  Here

Together we will get you to your goals.

If you want to read more about the core concepts click HERE.

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Sara M. Cromwell

“Taking the small changes class has greatly improved my life in more ways than I thought were possible. I learned so much about myself and the many areas I could make improvements that have led me to huge successes with such small efforts.

Sara’s knowledge and wisdom was exactly what I needed more of in my life. I learned about the role of sleep and that taking time to relax was critical to my well being. I also became more aware of what foods I was missing in my diet and the benefits of adding them. The breathing exercises were life changing and a critical tool to dealing with daily stress.

The information Sara taught was exciting and empowering and has forever changed my life for the better. If you are looking for any positive change in your health, I highly recommend you take this class and invest in yourself, you are worth it.”

~Christa, Age 40